Lineedge (Pre-Alpha) 0.45
unknown traveller! Here you can view the information about Lineedge
(Pre-Alpha) 0.45. This game was not published but you can view
the changes list, screenshots and/or videos.
Three packages have been added to the game at a 70% discount for
Black Friday - both not "free", which somehow did not
please someone, and with a total cost of only $12. Two of them are
strike animations, one of which was the last missing link in the set
of fighter animations.
- In
addition, through heavy debugging, I managed to get this hit
animation to play at the right speed. It was something!
- Now
you can change not only weapons, but also equipment. But there is a
small bug regarding the BASIC display of the unit. I will not reveal
all the cards at once.
Preview 2.2 just added effects, the "fighting character"
class (see Preview 2.4) updated them to version 2, and the change in
this paragraph to version 3. Effects can now be applied by equipment
and can affect health.
- The
third of the packages mentioned above is the cheapest one, only some
miserable 3$ - in developed countries a loaf of good bread costs more
(up to 4$) - and so, this package contains such a long-awaited MUSIC!
So I remixed the nature sounds to be more noticeable, kept the old
music only in the main menu, and remixed the new music to be heard
only when approaching dangerous bosses.
- I
hope (although I do not guarantee) that the error has been fixed, due
to which, if you hit the enemy a few times, do not finish him off and
leave, his health bar continued to hang unchanged until the fighting
with another enemy or until the game was restarted.
Added rings, the first of which is a "primitive cast iron ring".
Added a message that the game "freezes" (in fact, of
course, it does not freeze, as in some kind of looping, but some
condition does not work, after which nothing happens). I don't know
if it always happens, if nothing happens, then this message is issued
(you know, this is an oxymoron), but in similar cases I observed (see
the next paragraph) it worked.
- Most
likely, a bug that appeared regularly (but not every time) has been
fixed, due to which (I watched it in the debugger, I don't presume to
assert about the publication) when creating a character, after
pressing the "Confirm" button and closing the creation
window, nothing further happened.
- Now,
if the game crashes or the process is killed in the task manager,
account information is not saved to a file. This was a necessary
measure, since otherwise fragments of data were saved - for example,
information about health, equipment, abilities, and much more was
erased. In any case, this data is saved every 30 seconds, so you will
definitely not lose the progress of twelve hours of the game, the
maximum is 29 seconds of progress.
While swimming, the character's top is now above the water.
Additionally, a bug has been fixed where if two players were swimming
side by side, each would see themselves rotated and the other
Probably (but not sure) that a bug has been fixed, due to which, if
several players hit one enemy at the same time, each of them had the
health bar of this enemy updated only after his own hits.
- A
long-awaited event - a bug with volume controls has been fixed! Now,
finally, you can freely adjust the volume of sounds and music. "He
who seeks will always find" © and "the one who walks
masters the road" ©!
Permanent tasks are now displayed in the quest list.
Improved hit sounds.
Ctrl+Click on a chat message for a quick reply.
- In
task rewards, you can now get not only crosses and points, but also
other resources and items.
yes, the version numbering has changed again. Now, instead of four
numberings (Sample Preview, Preview, RC and main), a single number
has been introduced: pre-release versions have a range from 0.01 to
0.99, main ones - from 1.00 to 9.99, and this number is preceded by
the type of the preliminary version in brackets. For example, the
first version is now (Sample Preview) 0.01, the most popular is
(Pre-Pre-Alpha) 0.13, and the current one is (Pre-Alpha) 0.45. Now,
no one will definitely write that "your game is already in
version 2.2".
to all versions